Painting is an inner dialogue projected on canvas.

The pupil can be taught a methodology to simplify this seemingly Herculean looking task, provided with an understanding of the mediums and the modes. Filled with doubts a canvas is approached- a dab here and a stroke there. The rules of the game are understood, bending and stretching them slowly till they no more exist.
Now, when everything is unlearnt, the actual journey begins. Style forms and the paradox of satisfaction and discontent befriends you.

"Each picture, as I finish it, seems like the best thing I have ever done, and yet after a while I am not so sure. It is like taking a train to Marseille. One knows where one wants to go. Each painting completed is like a station- just so much nearer the goal. The time comes when the painter is apt to feel he has at last arrived. Then if he is honest, he realizes one of two things- either that he has not arrived, after all, or that Marseille is not where he wanted to go anyway, and he must push farther on." - Matisse.
Check your stock of paints, roll your canvas and wait for the next train. You can sketch in the meantime.


TP said…
well .. I'll just assume that I've the right to comment ..

.. what if there were no such place as Marseille .. and its just a way to keep moving ..?
Saran said…
Marseille is nothing but an illusion.

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