Going within.

What makes me the person that I am?

This question is asked by all who think and walk the road of self enquiry. Like everyone else, I also never get crisp clear answers, all that is left is the aftertaste of rhetoric. Yes, psychology and healing does help me get a vague picture of what all got me in this present that I am in. The probable future I am heading towards. Using various schools of improvisation I do get a birds eye view of the whole of my habit patterns, altering them does effect the float of my existence in the flow of life. I hope I am not talking too vaguely abstract as always! :P

Maybe one day I would start blogging about exercises that help me- basics that I came across, toyed with and found them helping me. Taking them to a level where it turned out to be a blend of reiki, holistic healing and being positive.

As of now, I am trying an artistic approach for shedding away baggage's. Picking up themes that have always had an influence on me. Recurring horses gave way to the show- "Am I Hussain?". Mythology has materialised the current show, "I See God". Now, I am slightly in a state of zen, the horses have galloped away and hopefully the Gods will leave me too, getting back only when called for rather than haunting me.

If freedom is the byproduct of painting, let me paint negativities this time.

I want to paint away all that I laugh at, get depressed for. Its amazing- this block I have, now that I am thinking about it- I realise that the list of depressing factors is so large, am not sure how will I articulate it coherently.

If the end result is gonna be freedom- I don't think that there is anything wrong in trying.

What say?


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