clack goes the time machine- its retro time!

Approximately 3 years back, a youth full of ideas, aspirations and a will to contribute and change the world entered Pune. The desire to perform and test himself was so great that he had cut all family ties, given up on what his existence had been all the 24 summers that he had seen.
Day one, the scissors of the barbers shop went snip snap on his hair, and he was no more a Sikh boy.
Today, I am reminded of my grand entry in Pune again and again. This city has contributed so much to my becoming what I am the way no other city has ever done before. I simply did what situations wanted me to. One way, this place has given me the confidence that had always wanted to be my friend. From dependency, I slowly moved towards complete independence that brought along an increased amount of self doubt, the absence of someone to be blamed for anything that went wrong.
Falling in love, changing my ideas towards working out, rum and coke along with an occasional fag, lot of cycling and my bullet is what this city has given me.
4 exhibitions, questions about art and existence along with a designation in a CMM level 5 organization.

“Been there, done that and still loving it”

Today, I am jobless again. With the same desire to paint- a few ideas refined and a few ideals given up. There have been highs and lows, after a full cycle I stand here and think of the circle of life, a person’s relationship with his environment and things coming to an end…..
Day one in this city is bringing memories and a question- Is it time to move on?


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