Indian Street Art

I always wondered about the non existent street art in India and felt a bit sad as well. Guess I was waiting for an invitation from someone along with a paycheck to tell me to go ahead and paint walls.

Discussed painting public spaces in India with friends for the past two years, only to get frustrated with no one handing over the paycheck to go ahead. Its only been some two months of actually trying to work towards it with a few discussions, insight that there are other people who are painting walls in Mumbai with the same passion.

I am glad.

While there is a team of enthusiasts working in Mumbai, I am trying to hit the public spaces of Gurgaon. Painting spaces in Sushant Lok and Chakarpur to start with. Slowly growing, a hope that artists in Delhi will join me in this movement called Aawaz.

Lets make India beautiful and artistic. 

Would be a pleasure to have insights on growing this movement so that Street Art reaches all nooks and corners of the country.


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