Parading with the Bulls!

There is one dimension to this artist that provides  a sort of meditative inputs to the grey cells- riding my Bullet!
Usually, I prefer to just be with my bike. Enjoying the experience with the signature thump of the Bullet matching the pace of my thoughts. The ride is like a chant, focusing on the road with a void that builds along with the speed, slowly u exist no more- its just the journey and the thump of the engine.

I usually looked at team trips as something that were more to satiate the ego than to enjoy the ride. Now, I have a different opinion.

"Bulls on Parade", a bullet gang in Gurgaon invited me for a small bike trip to the Aravalis with them. I happen to know Nishant, or Che as he likes to be called. So, I joined them for a simple reason of a Bike Ride. 
Talk of Bullets, and usually one meets a ego-centric dude who thinks that He is the King of the Road while the rest of the public is nothing but goons. People discuss the speed they travel in and all the stuff that compliments a super-macho image. Bones, booze and heavy rock!

I was pleasantly surprised to find people riding simply for the love of riding a Bullet. Another highlight was the way no one forces you to travel in a certain way that is supposed to be a group philosophy. The rules were pretty simple- Follow ur own pace, stay as a team and most important- enjoy the ride! (which I definitely did)

All the riders with their machines

That's Negi- a member of the group who is getting relocated to Bangalore. The team dedicated this trip to him, calling it the "Farewell to Negi trip". That just reflects the warmth for each member of the team I guess!

This is where we all chose to get framed!


Short & Sweet...thats what I can say abt this blog...

And it feels great that we cud change ur opinion abt bullet riding in a club...BOP surely is one fuckin strong change agent !!!

Hope to get BOP to even higher heights !!!

And I am sure we wud be riding again...

Cheers to Life...
Unknown said…
I am so happy that you left such a wonderful write up of yesterday's ride.....

keep it up rider.....Hoola.
Ken Slayer said…
i'll agree to the 'warmth' for fellow riders. wait till you see how we arrive at our decisions. it's 'hot'.
Anonymous said…
That must have been a wonderful adventure. First time here!

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