On Responsibility.

I love having guests, they entertain and enlighten me in ways that I can usually not think of. The guests that I look forward to are fragments of myself- personalities, that I was shaped to be, yet we drifted because of reasons unknown.
Last week, I met a poet and a complainer. The martyr who proudly wears his badge externally while there is sulking inside. I, the evolved me over years, silently heard the complainer talk of how life has been unfair, specially to him. All things that could go wrong, did go wrong with this swooner who has the capability of being a piece of art himself. As the talks continued, a desire that had been inside me all along, slowly started articulating itself. The desire of this poet.

The desire of somebody adopting me and telling me that everything will be all right.

This left me in a mode that happens occasionally- the thinking mode! I kept pondering over the comment, while discussing the same with a friend, I was left with a question. What does responsibility mean to me?
My relationship with responsibility has altered though I prefer, for convenience sake to stick to a version that does not make me accountable- the excuses can vary from mood swings, destiny and everything else.
Responsibility, is a quality that one cannot just shrug off- whiners being the only exception. All I need to do now is choose, whether I want to be responsible or not.

Responsibility: the state or fact of being responsible, answerable, or accountable for something within ones power, control, or management.


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