The slouch of the human evolution.
Humans as a race have come a long way. From living in
villages, the human will has melted metals and rocks and made impressive
structures. Leornado Da Vinci, the genius artist was also a sculptor and a
practioner of so many bits and pieces that would force him to be sedentary.
Leornado would walk, wrestle, ride horses and design weapons. He would talk of
the importance of exercise, a clean diet and keeping the joints healthy.
What went wrong?
Convenience took over. Vanity took over. We started making
ergonomic objects- well polished. Smooth skin and manicured hands became a
differenciator between the highlords and the labourers and helpers. Walkways
and paths got smooth. We build machines to pave our walkways and the steps-
with all of this, the older generation benefitted for sure, but ever wondered
what it did to the young and the able? From a young age they set up mental
patterns and deep ingrained muscle memories to perform a task in a certain way.
Change it a bit and the body gets fatiqued or injured.
All the gadgets that are easing up our lives- they do
literally come at a price. The price of well being. My take is not to let go of
the cool stuff but balance. Climb stairs sideways or alternate steps, maybe
using all four limbs like an animal. This will force the brain to be more
aware, the muscles and nerves will fire up differently and the body will break
the set patterns causing overall health benefits.
Each and everything that we do- if we choose to do it with a
little variation, the same benefits will happen. Walk lifting your knees higher
or choose to mop the floor in the squat. The more we choose to hold things
differently, jump more often and have fun, the longer we can enjoy life and I
am sure, no one would mind that!
I am not talking of a complete paradigm shift, I am talking
of integration. Sitting restricts your spine and pelvis. Kick and squat
whenever you can without adding another bit as a to-do thing and stress later
over it. Try it, enjoy it and then do some more of it. Simple.
Spread any activity out during the day by just giving a
minute or two each time you get up or take a phone call and you will easily
pack in 20-30 minutes of mobility. Just move around whenever you get time.