Rants on gregarious and loving humans.

Mumbai Terrorist Attacks have happened, leaving behind a spirit of patriotism that is like a bubble in the air. Ready to burst any moment.

Look at all the social sites that talk of wearing white to work, lighting candles at a specific time or day. Think again.

Does any of these pseudo activities make us any more a clearing for love when we still look at the passerby on the street as another human, another country as them. Are we any different from the humans in any other part of the world? There are so many Floyd lovers who listen to us and them but so we really get into the essence? (lyrics here)

Lets just keep on hating terrorists, loving the film stars and continue reading scriptures coz somewhere we love doing that.

Lets just blindly follow what others say will be uber kewl.

I shall end this with a koan for the ponderers to chew on:

Do we really know our ass from a hole in the ground?


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