Define O mortal

As I introduced myself to a middle aged, seemingly successful businessman to kill time, the question took shape again. This man, whom I had just met sometime ago because we happened to be travelling together, made me regret that I had smiled and said hello. I should have never let the book go back in the bag. Shit!

What sort of paintings do you make?

This was the second time. He wants to drill me on this one. Okay, lets face it.

Me: What sort of paintings, as in....?

Him: Do you make landscapes or portraits?

This is the point the where I wish I can turn invisible. What happened this time was what happens most of the times. I blurt a few words, followed by a few questions and a bit more of blabbering from me till the audience I have starts talking of a particular artist they either know or, some rich relative having bought a few paintings. Useless clatter.

What can I explain about my art when I don't know how to classify it myself. Cubism has inspired me the way sculpture has. A lot of people simply start looking for the closest association a painting can have to a period, style or artist and immediately call the painter either inspired from or, a follower of the same. If that is the case, I am a multi layered, multi dimensional residue of the generations of art the world has seen.

Most of my paintings can never be directly linked to a certain genre or style. The watercolors that I apply are not the same as taught in most of the art schools. The same applies for acrylics and even drawing figures. I have been branded a stunt man by few and naive by others.

My efforts simply are in painting, keeping alive the love for my profession- always. As far as styling of art is concerned, I would love to throw at them a few super complicated terms to define the undefinable.

Any ideas?


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